Psychological Health Tips and Tricks

  1. Maintain a Routine / Structure
    • Get up at your usual time, shower , eat breakfast and dress for your “work” day (work, study, project, caregiver etc.).
    • End your “work” day at your usual time, perhaps change your clothes or do another ritual to mark the end of your “work” day.
    • Take time to relax and wind down prior to preparing for bed at your usual time.
    • Tweek your routine to accommodate needs of others in your home. eg: you may lengthen your “work” day to allow for chunks of time for play time with children/teens. Come up with a routine and adjust as needed.
  2. Plan ahead for distractions
    • During stressful times we all struggle with attention challenges. ADHD to Coach Bonnie Mincu shares five tips in her blog, How to Successfully Work at Home
      1. Set up the software (make sure it works before you need it)
      2. Choose your work location (do you need quiet? stimulation?)
      3. Ease in with a grounding ritual
        • Have a transition activity/ritual between personal and work
        • Be realistic – how long does each task really take?
        • Factor in administrative tasks, breaks, and self-care
      4. Turn off the productivity-killers
      5. Form an accountability partnership with a colleague
  3. Exercise
    • As little as 30 minutes of mild- to moderate-intensity exercise five days a week can help maintain mental wellness.
    • Additional benefit comes from making this activity a mindful activity
      • Practice bringing your attention to what you are doing and the environment around you.
      • Notice what your senses are picking up.
      • When you notice that your mind has wandered off to another distraction and that you have stopped paying attention to your senses, gently bring your attention back to your senses and your activity.
      • Bring your attention back to your activity and your surrondings as many times as it takes to finish your activity.
  4. Maintain your Human Connections
    • Make daily efforts to connect with colleagues, friends and family online and by phone and be with those in your home.
    • Consider a an online game night, or party.
    • Have virtual dinner parties where everyone puts a phone on speaker in the middle of their tables.
    • Be creative
  5. Control – Focus on what you can control
    1. list what you cannot control
      • Acknowledge that worry is realistic
      • Consider whether your concern is probable or possible. What is the difference?
      • Limit your worry time – surrender your worries and turn to what you are able to control.
    2. list what you can control
      • eg: hygiene, social distancing, connecting with others etc.,
      • having a daily routine
      • having a household plan for when a member shows symptoms of illness requiring isolation.
      • when a concern or worry arises, notice the thought, note that there is a plan and then return your attention to the present moment – right here and right now.
      • minimize the trauma impact of media. Set up certain times of the day and select certain trusted sources to get your information.
  6. Go Outside
    • To aid stress reduction, spend time (keeping your required 2 metre distance) outside.
  7. Schedule Fun Time
    • Every single day
    • What is something you enjoy? Suggestions

Further Tips

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